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KINOTA BRAITHWAITE -Diversity Author & Educator
 "A vision of classrooms where every student feels included, valued, and respected."

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Kinota Braithwaite


A familiar face on TV platforms like NHK World Japan News, Ohayo Nippon, and Deutsche Welle International News, Kinota's mission to promote diversity has reached millions of tv viewers in Japan and internationally. 

Mio The Beautiful

Kinota's journey began with "Mio The Beautiful," a children's book inspired by his daughter's experience with bullying, which quickly became an online bestseller and a Sakura Book Medal Award nominee. 


His anti-bullying work has not only been recognized by the U.S. Embassy in Japan but has also been featured in notable publications like The Canadian Chamber of Commerce's Quarterly Magazine, and the National Asahi Newspaper for elementary school students.

As a licensed elementary school teacher with an Educational Therapy Certification from the University of California Riverside, Kinota is uniquely equipped to foster inclusive learning environments. His expertise is further solidified by specialist certifications in both Anti-Bullying Prevention and Anti-Bias, Antiracist (ABAR) practices.

"Enhance your school's inclusivity with Kinota Braithwaite, a world-renowned diversity author and educator. His experience across 40+ educational institutions, from elementary schools to universities, guarantees an impactful, adaptable message for all education levels."


"Wonderful presentation by Kinota! He took a stand in a responsible and graceful manner to handle the sensitive issue of racism by educating the children, the teachers, and the parents"

Morgan Stanley
Talk Participant

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